What Web Designers Need to Know about Backend Technologies

Backend Technologies

As a web designer, you may be very familiar with creating beautiful interfaces and intuitive front-end experiences. However, to bring a website fully to life, there are crucial backend technologies that come into play. Understanding the fundamentals of backend development can help web designers become more well-rounded and better collaborate with backend engineers. This article will provide an overview of key backend concepts and tools that are useful for web designers to learn.

The Role of the Backend

The backend refers to the server-side of a website, powering the core functionality that occurs behind-the-scenes. While the frontend is responsible for the visual layout and user interface, the backend focuses on:

  • Storing and retrieving data in databases
  • Processing logic and calculations on the server
  • Handling requests and responses
  • Managing user authentication and security
  • Integrating with third-party services through APIs

Without a backend, websites would be static and limited. The backend brings dynamism and interactivity. For example, when you perform a search on a site or place an order, that data is sent to the backend to be processed and stored. The backend then returns appropriate results to render on the page.

Core Backend Languages

There are several programming languages used on the backend, with some of the most popular being:

PHPA widely-used open source language well suited for web development, often paired with frameworks like Laravel or WordPress.
PythonA versatile, general purpose language praised for its simple and readable syntax. Common Python web frameworks include Django and Flask.
JavaScript/Node.jsEnables using JavaScript on both the frontend and backend. Offers excellent scalability and performance.
RubyAn open source language designed for programmer happiness. Ruby on Rails is a prominent framework.
JavaA robust, secure and platform-independent language used by many large enterprises. Java EE is a commonly used framework.

Understanding the foundations of one or more backend languages gives web designers a big leg up and enables easier communication with engineering teams.

Working with Databases

An integral part of most backends is the database layer for persistently storing and organizing data. Relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL are very common options. NoSQL databases like MongoDB are also gaining popularity for their flexibility.

As a web designer, having high-level familiarity with concepts like database tables, queries, and schemas is useful when needing to interface with data. You don’t need to become a database admin, but understanding the basics goes a long way.

Managing Servers, Hosting and Deployment

Once a backend application is developed, the next step is deployment. Backend code needs to be hosted on a server to be accessible over the web. Some hosting options include shared hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, and cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud or Azure.

Understanding server configurations, domain names, SSH access, and using CLI tools can help web designers be more involved in deployment and DevOps processes. Learning basics of web application architectures (like LAMP stack) is also beneficial.

Securing the Backend

With the backend responsible for managing sensitive data and functionality, security is paramount. Backend developers use various techniques like encryption, access controls, and HTTPS to secure applications and defend against threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

As a web designer, keeping security top of mind when creating frontend forms and inputs helps avoid introducing vulnerabilities. Having awareness of common web app risks, authentication methods like OAuth and JWTs, and tools like SSL certificates gives helpful context into the security measures implemented on the backend.

So, gaining backend literacy not only makes web designers more knowledgeable and independent, but also allows them to collaborate more effectively with engineering teams. By investing time into learning backend foundations, web designers can level up their skills, unlock new career opportunities, and bring more value through understanding the full stack.

The key is not becoming an expert backend developer, but rather being able to speak the language and understand the core concepts. With backend basics under your belt, you’ll approach web projects with more insight and confidence.